Sunday, August 30, 2009

Health is Wealth

Nothing in the world is more valuable than your health and well being. So why do people put their health in jeopardy everyday?

Most dont care and many just dont know any better.
So next time you shove that piece of food in your mouth, ask your self this

" is this going to benefit me or harm me?

Was this food once alive , grown from the ground or natural ? ( if not you should probably not eat it) all things that are natural arent always healthy BTW.**

They say for bit of food you put in your mouth, you either add days to your life or take away..
and just because a higher being says its good, doesnt mean its actually true ( gov. ADA, USDA, FDA)

In fact The FDA have not cured one disease since Scury and that was cured by implementing Vitamin C.

Their only concern is too keep you sick so they can continue to sell their medicines
( yes they are a major conglomerate which may also control food companies)

I suggest you read the information from this website
Tons of good imformation

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