Thursday, September 3, 2009

Work out for that Butt you want

Cut straight to the point. Most women are not satisfied with their body , ( stomach , legs , breast, and Butt etc. All women want a " Great butt" but very few have them. Although opinions on what a good butt vary but personal preferance.

How ever i will give core exercises to to help shape , tone and even add Size to your Glutes ( booty).

I dont recommend diving head first into a strength training program

Prequisites: able to do at leaste 10 girl push ups and 1 full push up
- Can do at leaste 25 body squats
- has decent flexibilty in the hip flexors, hamstrings and glutes
i Suggest you create a solid base before you embark on this journey for a better but. By base i mean Core muscles and lowerback ( THAT doesnt mean 100's of crunches) I.E leg raises, sit ups, knee ups, back ext. etc.

The Sumo Deadlift( as shown in the picture)- is the core lift that will build the Glutes/inner thighs.
This dead lift variation develops the Glutes greatly when performed correctly.
how to:
Use a wide base and grip the bar inside your legs and simply pick up the weight from the ground ,Make sure your lifting off the ground with legs and not your back.
Squeeze the glutes at the top of the lift , then lower. Make sure your back is straight and not rounded !!! Recommend you have some one watching your form

work out- Start off with

10-10-8-8 or 10-5-5-5( using moderately heavy weight ) depending on your level of stength
add weight ass you progess with form and strength ***

Alternate- if you dont have acces to an Olympic barbell, use a dumbell and hold it by the head, with both hands.

Glute bridge-
This a body weight exercise , no equipment needed.
-How to-
Lay flat on the ground with your hand on your sides and your feet flat.
Than, keeping your feet flat on the ground push your hips up into the air and squeeze and hold for 3-5 seconds.
( if my description doesnt help, google a picture)

Start off with 3 setts of 15
thanwhen you get stronger 3x 20

be sure to include this excersice is very important!!!!

Split squat-
Is best for building the the glutes/quads

Execution: 1:grab some dumbbells or whatever weight you have. 2:Facing forward place one foot behind you on a bench or chair.
3: NEXT lower your body / than raise back up.
-MAKE SURE YOUR KNEE DOES NOT PASS YOUR FOOT!!! so position for legs correctly

Work out-
3-4 sets of 10

Full Squat- is hands down the best lower body builder and builds great Glutes

Full squat you must go below parallel( when your legs form a 90 degree angle you are parrallel ). How ever i dont Recommend any females , especially ones with out previous training experience and a spotter to do this excersice with add resistance.

When ready you will reap the benefits of Squats.


START OFF WITH light weight you can handle then work our way up as you get stronger.
15-10-8-8*** add weight if you can handle the work load for remaining sets.

There are plently of other ones i can list, however Those are the " CORE " EXERCISES that will help you achieve the Butt you want. Rep ranges and variations may vary to your specific needs.

Make sure you compliment your training with a balanced upperbody/core program

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