Wednesday, August 19, 2009

People in your life.

I Quote " theres a reason why the people in your past didnt make it to your future" Is that really true? I know from experience people are constantly entering an exiting your life , so over the years ive learned not to grow attached to any particular person. But eventually most people will get caught in the drift and find one person that completes them or blah n all that. However , when that happens its usually game over because that person is going to put the other on a pedistil and worship the ground they walk on. and when that happens its almost guarenteed to end in disaster. because when that person is gone or leaves you. your world will come crashing down. needless to say why .... Thats why ive trained myself to counter this effect for the past years. Especially with friends, ic ant even count on two hands how many people i used to be friends with i am no longer friends with. Sure some reason may be my fault but mostley theirs. WHY? cause people change.. your best friend will become a stranger, your foe may be come ur best friend and your signficant other that you been with for so long becomes nothing but a memory....the only thing that is constant is change.... and i leave you with this and quote sophacles .. " one word free's us from all of lifes weight and pain .... the word is love "
Love can be anything.

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