Monday, September 14, 2009

Kanye West

This may probably be the first and last time i talk about any Red Carpet events on my Blog.

Most of you all know that The MTV VIDEO MUSIC AWARDS were held last night in NYC.
So basically Taylor Swift(whoever that is) wins Music Video of the Year.
She is a young upcoming artist so you think people would be happy for her and let her shine and enjoy her moment...

How ever, there was one borderline AVERAGE rapper/producer in the audience with nuts the size of king kong, that would forbid such a thing from happening.

While she ( Taylor swift ) Accepted her award and expressed her appreciation , Kanye west takes the Mic from her cutting her short of her sentence and Ignorantly States
" Beyonce had one of the best videos of all Time"

Well here are my personal Thoughts...

WOW.. how old are you ? 29..30.?
I think its fucked up and childish to begin with , but if you are ever going to pull such a despicable act you better be a Mogul, a fucking Hip hop ICON . Kanye you are neither. Jay-z Fits that disciption, heck even 50 cent is more respected than you.

You must of been feeling some type of way.
Way to make Beyonce feel super uncomfortable and put her on the spot like that, because im sure she really appreciated that.

That made all the " white people in the audience clap harder for Taylor Swift.
They mustve been thinking " wow is this the ignorance and additude Hip hop produces.

Most hip hop is ignorant( ive been a hiphop/rap fan all my life) still enjoy it

Good job Kanye on your Salty ways

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